City Council

Meeting - The City Council meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers located at 206 Van Buren St. NE. Camden, Arkansas 71701

Form of Government

The City of Camden, Arkansas is chartered and incorporated under the Statues of the State of Arkansas and is organized under the Mayor-Aldermanic form of government. This form of government combines a citizen policy making council with a Mayor administrator to assure efficient and responsible conduct of community affairs. Also, this form of government is designed to be more responsive to citizen concerns 

The Men/Women at the Forum

Aldermen/Alderwomen - There are eight council members elected from 4 wards. The council members determine all matters of policy affecting your city government.

Mayor - The Mayor is the Chief Executive Officer of the and conservator of the peace. Accordingly, he/she has and exercises the power conferred on Sheriffs, within the city limits, to suppress disorder and keep the peace. The Mayor presides over the City Council meetings and votes on matters to prevent a tie. He/she also has veto power; however, the council may vote to override the veto with a 2/3 majority.

City Clerk - The City Clerk keeps official records of the council meetings, has custody of all the official documents of the city, and has the city seal to authenticate the legal documents of the city.

City Attorney - The City Attorney is present to give the council legal advice.

Actions By the City Council

Ordinance - As the local legislative body, the city council develops and enacts laws to serve the citizens of the community. Ordinances are actions taken by the City Council which have the force of law.

Resolution - When the Council wishes to set forth an official position on any matter a Resolution is adopted. Resolution's do not carry the force of law.

Voting - Except in a few extraordinary matters specifically set forth by law, only a simple majority vote of the Board is required to act on any matter. In the case of a vote on a proposed ordinance, a roll call of all members is required. in other cases, a voice vote is usually conducted.

Participating- This is a formal legislative session of the City Council and are conducted as such. The council has enacted within their rules of procedure a time in which citizens may address the council. These times are:

  1. As a prescheduled citizen or visitor.

  2. during the designated "AUDIENCE" participation section of the meeting.

  3. During a declared public hearing on any ordinance or resolution.

  4. During a general discussion conducted by the mayor.

At the times noted above, the Mayor will call on citizens for comment if appropriate.

When recognized by the Mayor, please state your name and address for the official record and keep all comments under 3 minutes. All speakers are required to address the Mayor. This is a time for the speaker to be heard, it is not an opportunity to debate with the council and any substantive questioning will not be answered (the council may discuss any citizen concerns during the Other Business section of the agenda). However, the Mayor may recognize members of the council to address the comments with factual information.