About Us
The Ouachita Partnership for Economic Development (OPED) is a 501(c)(6) corporation serving as the lead economic development organization in the Camden area. Its Board of Directors has representation from private business, the City of Camden, Ouachita County, the Camden Area Chamber of Commerce, the Camden Area Industrial Development Corporation, the Camden Fairview Public Schools, the Harmony Grove Public Schools and the Southern Arkansas University Tech. Primary funding comes from the City of Camden and Ouachita County through an economic development services contract.

The OPED Board meets the 4th Wednesday of every month at 10:00 at the OPED Building in the Training room.
President: Jim Golden
Vice President: Michael Shelton
Treasurer: Mark Smith
Secretary: Karmen House
Directors: Mayor Charlotte Young, Ouachita County Judge Robbie McAdoo , Jim Dick Coleman, Jeffery Franklin, Mike Smith, Judy Taylor, Adam Bailey, Manpreet Kang and John Schaffitzel
Ex Officio: Dr. Jerry Thomas, Johnny Embry, Dr. Albert Snow, Gerald Castleberry, Tomeka Warren and Jerry West.

Pictured Above: The roomy spaces available for clients of the business incubator.
James Lee Silliman, Executive Director
Dotty Harris, Office Manager
Manufacturing Space